Bits of Joy...and Other Blessings!

9 - Update on Harry - The Next Chapter

Update - 07.15.17

Dear Prayer Warriors!

Harry is still in ICU at U of M.  Just as they said, this is going to be a very slow process. There have been little celebrations every day!  Here are some highlights from my journal:

Wed. 7/12 - 

  • Another CT Scan showed no change in swelling or bleeding, but it will take perhaps months for the bleed to absorb into the brain.
  • With the structure of the brain being "stable" at this time, they will now focus on the neurological issue - Harry not responding to the commands.
  • Non-responsiveness could be due to infection (pneumonia) - it creates additional stress as he works to fight it. We need to clear it out and prevent a recurrence.
  • His movements are purposeful; i.e., pushing their hands away when he's irritated instead of responding to their commands. This is a good sign.
  • He is breathing on his own pretty much! 

Thursday, July 13 -

  • The breathing tube is out!
  • Several visits by doctors since tube is out - checking his breathing.
  • PT (Ida) came in - Harry responded better than she expected. To assist him in standing up, Ida pulled the recliner closer to the bed for Harry to support himself by holding on to the top of the back.  But Harry grabbed the support bars on the back of the chair and pulled himself up before Ida realized what he was doing!!  Super strength!  WooHoo! 
  • Did an ultrasound of his veins - top to bottom - Checking for blood clots (results will be in Friday).

Friday, July 14 - 

  • It was a very bright morning!
  • Our son-in-law, Gary, and granddaughter, Baylie stopped by (driving all night from North Carolina).
  • Harry called Gary by name, and was very surprised to see Baylie (he couldn't quite speak her name, but squeezed her hand very tightly)! He got a little teary-eyed...obviously very happy to see them. Sweet!
  • Pastor Kempin and his family came at the same time, and said a prayer with all of us.  Very comforting!!
  • A few other friends who were in the area stopped in for hugs - Harry was sleeping.
  • The ultrasound showed a small blood clot in the right leg, so they did a procedure to insert a filter in the abdominal area to prevent the clot from traveling to his lungs or heart. The procedure went very well.

Saturday, July 15 - A star-studded day!

  • Mid-morning, Harry sat in his chair and accomplished the following assignments:

o    Combed his hair 

o    Brushed his teeth

o    Washed himself

o    Worked with Occupational Therapist to pick up small foam cubes and place them in a plastic glass.

o    Wow!  That was huge!

  • He then showed off even more by saying:
    • "Thank you" to the staff
    • "Carol" when I ask him what is my name?
    • "I love you" in response to me saying "I love you" before leaving for lunch
  • It doesn't get much better than that!!
  • The rest of the day was a much-deserved rest!

At this time, we really have no idea of timing -- how long he'll be in ICU, when he will go to general care, when he'll be ready for rehab, or even where he will do rehab.  We certainly hope that rehab will be in Midland, but we want the best facility suited for his we wait.

I am preparing a program for our September women's retreat for St. John's Lutheran Church - Theme: Fruits of the Spirit.  The day before this journey began, I was writing the segment for "Patience".  Now, I can almost see God's prompting for that topic at this time.  We will need patience as we walk this journey together...ever so slowly.

So many of you have offered to help in any way needed, and for that we are so grateful.  Please know that our physical needs are covered at this time.  When that changes, we will certainly let you know.  I know how important it is for people to be able to help in time of need; it's our way of helping with the grief we feel for this challenge Harry is faced with...again! 

Our spiritual need is to surround Harry with prayers for healing according to God's perfect will, to give the doctors wisdom to fulfill that will, and faith, hope, and peace for all of us who love Harry.

Please know and believe that we are all fine...Harry, me, Teri and her family, and Brian.  God has proven himself to be true always!  He will never leave us nor forsake us...He promises.  We surrender our every need to Him, and wait with anticipation to see how He will meet it.

"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.'"  Jeremiah 29:11

God's richest blessings to each of you,

The Sweebes