Bits of Joy...and Other Blessings!

8 - Update on Harry - The Next Chaper

Update - 07.12.17

Thank you all for your outpouring of love, prayers, and support. I am sorry I have not had an opportunity to respond to you – this hospital stuff takes a lot of time and energy!  Please know you have touched our hearts and lifted our spirits!

I thought I would take you all for a ride on our roller coaster . . .Buckle up!  Here we go!

Since my last update (071017) we have experienced the following:

Monday (7/10) – Harry exhibited more strength when following commands; however, our real miracle came when the doc asked him, “What’s your name?”, and Harry replied, very plainly, “Harry Sweebe!” Brian was in the room at the time, and Teri just happened (no coincidence) to be on the phone at the time and was able to hear it!  Isn’t it just like our personal God to put that whole timing together?

Tuesday – Occupational Therapy came in the morning.  When Kelly said, “Good morning, Harry”, Harry responded immediately with, “Good morning.” 

Later in the day, Harry had some difficulty breathing and was coughing up significant junk. Doc ordered a chest x-ray.  It confirmed their suspicions – Harry had developed Aspiration Pneumonia. They tried a couple options for oxygen, but his breathing became more labored (this was not sustainable), he was non-responsive to commands, and his temperature began to climb to over 102!  They decided to do a chest x-ray and ordered breathing treatments (nebulizer) and blood work.

Around 2 a.m. this morning (Wednesday), some of the test results came back and indicated that his lactic acid levels were too high. That meant he was not getting enough oxygen to the tissues in his body.  His temperature went to 200 (top number – didn’t get the bottom number) and his breathing situation worsened.  They had to sedate him and help him with his breathing, so he was put on a ventilator…temporarily.  Within just minutes his 200 blood pressure dropped to 198 and his temperature began to come down.   He rested through the rest of the night/morning.

While the sedation was making all this tolerable, it was also diminishing his natural responses to commands, which is how the doctors measure his progress.  Therefore, they have cut back on the sedation.  It’s a balancing act!

Another CT Scan of the brain was done this afternoon – no additional swelling or bleeding present. Now, they will turn their attention to determining the cause of the stroke; however, not much more can be done until the bleeding is absorbed into the brain, because they cannot see through the bleeding to determine the cause.

Good news…throughout the afternoon and evening, they gradually decreased Harry’s dependency on the ventilator, and the plan is to remove it in the morning!  If he handles that well, he will be moved out of ICU into a general/progressive care through the weekend and to rehab possibly early next week.

I’ll keep you posted on his progress.  Please keep lifting us with your prayers…the LORD IS listening!

Love to all,

Carol, Harry & Family

“May the Lord answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.”   Psalm 20: 1

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing to you and not be silent.  O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever.”  Psalm 30:11