Bits of Joy...and Other Blessings!

10 - Update on Harry - The Journey's End
Update - 07.19.17

For all our faithful prayer warriors…you have walked this journey with us for the past three years, and have showered us with love, compassion, and prayers.  We will be eternally grateful for all of you, and all of that.

After his stroke, we expected that Harry would move through the process from ICU (he stayed much longer than expected), to the Stroke Unit, to general care, and then on the rehab.  However, God’s plan was apparently different than ours (certainly not the first time).   I’m afraid things have taken a drastic turn, and we are now preparing to release him to the arms of our loving heavenly Father when the timing is perfect!

We are stunned to be in this situation at this time – so soon; but we know God’s timing is perfect and if he chooses to do a miracle yet, we’ll celebrate that.  If not, we’ll accept the miracle of God’s forgiveness and love for Harry as He welcomes him “home”.

Brian is with us now, and Teri and family are on the way. It's a long drive from North Carolina when your heart is so heavy; from Grand Rapids also, for that matter.  We will gather around Harry and love on him until he crosses to the other side.  We have no idea how long that journey will take; however, we know beyond a shadow of doubt that he will not make the journey alone as our Loving Father will carry him.

We know many of you love Harry like a brother, and this update (while perhaps expected at some point) comes way too early for us.  We know your hearts are heavy too, and the grieving will begin now.  However, we ask you to allow us to have this final time alone with Harry/Dad/Pa.  It’s just so precious to us.  We are more than grateful for your understanding.

How did we get here?  Harry was diagnosed with Glioblastoma in June 2016.  Glio is ugly! It’s an aggressive, non-curable (at this point) cancer.  We were told at the time that with no surgery to remove the tumor, and no chemo or radiation, Harry would have 2-4 months.  He did the surgery, chemo, and radiation.  We have been given another year…a precious year, but not a year without losses and difficulty springing back into action.

After his jaw surgery in 2014 (the first of many), Harry was strong like a bull!  He fought hard and bounced back to almost normal strength and stamina (greater than most!).  However, after many doctor visits, shots, more surgery, radiation, chemo, and pacemaker, he’s tired…very tired!  He told us on several occasions that he would not do another surgery…understandably!  We’re honoring his wishes.   He is now on comfort care for as long as he needs.

Please keep him and our family in your prayers.  Our faith is strong; we are strong.  We also know it’s okay to cry when we hurt; and this hurt is very, very deep!

Jesus wept at the death of his dear friend, Lazarus.  If weeping is good for Jesus, it’s good for us…and so we do. We mourn with you, but not as those with no hope.

Thank you for loving us so!

Carol, Teri, Brian, Gary, Baylie, Harper and Cuyler

“You have seen me tossing and turning through the night.  You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle! You have recorded every one in your book.” Psalm 56:8 (TLB)

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

God's plan for Harry is "perfect" in every way!